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XOT Page Types

Page types

The available page type templates are grouped into several categories.

In Release 3.12 an icon has been added at the top of each central panel in the authoring interface, with a link to the relevant wiki page. This enables authors to move efficiently between the wiki and the XOT project they are working on.


Page type Description
Bullets/Timed Content A page of bullet points (or other content) which appear on the screen at timed intervals.
Columns A page with columns of text and optional images.
Orientation A page for orienting users before they begin working with the content.
Plain Text A plain and simple text page.
Summary A page for summarising key points and suggesting next steps.
Title Page A simple page for displaying a title.


Page type Description
360 image An interaction allowing you to mark up a 360 image with hotspots. Can be used to create tours of linked images.
Advanced image A text and graphics page with a flexible layout including bleeding the image at one end of the stage or adding a margin.
Audio Slideshow Sequence a series of images against an audio soundtrack.
Flickr Slideshow Include freely available graphical content from the Flickr photo sharing service.
Graphics and Sound A page for presenting text and graphics. You can also add an optional sound to this page.
Image Sequence Animate a series of images in sequence through scrolling. Image series can be viewed on their own or grouped together in to cases.
Image Viewer Allows users to zoom in and out of a large image and select regions. A useful way of presenting large images in a small screen space.
Media Lesson Synchronise a variety of types of content to a piece of media.
Morph Images Morph between two images. Can be used to present an impression of zooming into a region of an image.
PDF File Incorporate PDF files in your project.
Synched Video Synchronise passages of text to a movie.
Thumbnail Viewer A series of thumbnail images for the user to browse.
Timeline Media A scrollable timeline containing sections of text and media.
Transcript Reader Synchronise a transcript to an audio file.
Video Embed MP4 video files in your project.
YouTube Feed Include YouTube videos in your project. Enter a search term display videos matching the term from YouTube.
YouTube Video Include video content from YouTube in your project.
Page type Description
Flash cards A series of double sided flash cards containing text and media.
Interactive List Present an interactive list where each list item presents further information.
Multinavigator Present related text and graphical content on a choice of navigators. Layouts include accordion, button, columns, slideshow and tabs.
Multiple Perspectives View and compare multiple video and sound clips alongside related text.
Tabbed Navigator+ A list of topics where each topic displays a series of tabbed pages to present related text and graphical content.


Page type Description
Hotspot Image Connector An interaction allowing you to mark up an image with regions. When selected, each region will take you to another page in the project or present further information.
Menu Connector Generate a menu of all or a selected range of the pages in a project.
Multiple Choice Connector Pose a question with multiple answer options. When selected, each answer will take you to another page in the project or present further information.


Page type Description
Basic Chart A page for basic charts. Choose from line, bar, stacked bar or pie charts, and add several series of data to the chart.
Table A page for basic tables.


Page type Description
Annotated Diagram An interaction for exploring labelled diagrams.
Answer X of Y Poses a question with multiple answers where the student can't see the answers like in a MCQ. The user can give the answers in any order.
Button Sequence Present a sequence of button interactions with text.
Categories An interaction allowing the user to sort items into a number of categories.
Decision Tree Find a solution to a problem by answering a series of questions.
Dialogue An interaction comprising a sequence of text-entry interactions forming a short dialogue.
Dictation An interaction for typing text from a series of audio files.
Documentation A form based interaction where the user downloads a copy of their responses.
Drag and Drop Labelling An interactive labelling exercise. Mark up an image with regions and add a title and description for each region.
Gap Fill An interaction for creating gap fill exercises. Gaps can be filled by drag and drop labels, editable text boxes or by drop down menus.
Highlight Text A page where an initial piece of text can be highlighted and then compared to a suggested answer.
Hotspot Image An interaction allowing you to mark up an image with regions and associate explanatory text with each region. The type of interactivity can be varied.
Hotspot Question An interaction where the where the answer to the question posed is given by selecting one or more relevant hotspots on an image.
Interactive Text A text based page where sections can be explored using a variety of interactivities.
Interactive Video Synchronise a variety of interactive events to a video. These events occur on top of the video.
Inventory Present a survey where answers map to different classes. The results for each class are displayed on a chart at the end of the survey.
Matching Texts An interaction for the user to match chunks of text.
Model Answer A text entry interaction, with feedback and the option to paste the response to clipboard.
Model Answer Results Displays collated results from all the preceding model answer pages which can then be reviewed and copied to clipboard.
Modify Exercise Present a piece of text that the user must modify in some way, for example, by changing the tense.
Multiple Choice Question Pose a question with multiple answer options. Create simple true - false questions, or more complex questions with multiple correct answers.
Opinion Create an opinion with questions that can be slider or radio button interactions or a mix of both.
Quiz Present a formative assessment comprising a series of questions with multiple answer options. Each question can have one or more correct answers.
Sortable Grid An interaction allowing the user to sort items on a grid.
Stimulating Question Pose a stimulating question to the user, with feedback available through a button.
Text Correction A page to compare texts. The user can re write a text with errors and then compare it with the correct answer.
Timeline/Matching Pairs An interaction for creating either a timeline or matching activity with labels to drag and drop in place.


Page type Description
Crossword A crossword puzzle where clues are given to each word or phrase that must be completed in the grid.
Hangman A hangman game. Create a list of words for the user to work out.
Memory Game A memory card game. Create pairs of text and images for the user to match.
Wordsearch A word search game. Create a list of words for the user to find.
Page type Description
Embed Content A page for including any web page or embed code in your project.
Hyperlinks A list of keyboard accessible links.
New Window Allow the user to launch a new window to a URL.
QR code A page for generating and presenting QR codes. You can also add an optional sound to this page.
RSS Feed Include RSS feeds in your project. RSS feeds allow you to add dynamic content from a variety of sources. You can create your own RSS feeds using the RSS feed template.
RSS Xerte Download Feed Include Xerte specific RSS feeds from any version 3.8 or later Xerte installation to include download links for any project that have been included in the RSS export feed.

Tracking / xAPI

Page type Description
Adaptive Content A page where you can import Xerte result data from an xAPI LRS to present adaptive content based on the scores of previously executed content.
Results A page displaying a summary of the results of the interactions.
Stop Tracking A page with a button to stop and finish tracking the learning object.

Deprecated Page Types

Category Page type Comments Last available version
Navigators Accordion Navigator, Button Navigator, Slideshow, Tabbed Navigator These pages will continue to work where they are used in existing projects (and can still be imported from other projects) but new navigator pages should be created using the Multinavigator page instead. The Multi-Navigator page allows you to choose the type of navigator from a drop down list (choices include accordion, button, columns, slideshow and tabs) and makes it easier and quicker to try and switch between the different ways of presenting the page and content. Source 3.9
Interactivity Interactive Diagram The Interactive Diagram page has been deprecated and is no longer available to be added to projects. Existing Interactive Diagram pages will continue to work but may no longer be editable after the end of 2020 as the diagram editor uses the Flash Player which will no longer be supported in browsers. Source 3.8
pagetypes.1688219658.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/01 13:54 by jsmith