Hi Fiona,
Thank you for asking this as it's been one of the things that has bugged me for longer than I can remember, and i've just never found the time to fix it, until now...
I'm not sure what version you are on so i'll just outline the steps - i'm about to commit into the main code so in a future update it will be included so you have no worry about any of these changes being overwritten...
What you need to do (or ask your technical people to do) is locate the file at:
Within that file there is a section dealing with glossary so do a search for this:
.on("mouseenter", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
The code should have something like:
.on("mouseenter", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
myText = $this.text(),
myDefinition, i, len;
for (i=0, len=x_glossary.length; i<len; i++) {
Add in the two extra lines to make it
.on("mouseenter", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
myText = $this.text(),
myDefinition, i, len;
// Rip out the title attribute
$this.data('title', $this.attr('title'));
$this.attr('title', '');
for (i=0, len=x_glossary.length; i<len; i++) {
This will remove the title attribute on hover, which is what the browser uses and will stop the browser tooltip...
For compatibility with other things though it's probably best practice to replace it when we are done so now dow a search for:
.on("mouseleave", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
and change this code
.on("mouseleave", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
to this
.on("mouseleave", ".x_glossary", function(e) {
// Put back the title attribute
$this = $(this);
$this.attr('title', $this.data('title'));
Save the file and refresh your Learning Object (You may have to clear your cache). There should now only be one tooltip... I don't want to actually send you a file as I have no way to know what version you are on but if you locate the file in your distribution and cannot manage to do this then please attach it and i'll patch it and get it back to you...