Hi Fiona,
Tom is the expert with the scorm export code but (until he shouts John NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) my guess would be to find the file
then locate the section
/* Always add colourChanger.html */
_debug("copy model " . $parent_template_path . "models_html5/colourChanger.html");
array_push($file_array, array($parent_template_path . "models_html5/colourChanger.html", ""));
and directly after it add
/* Always add glossary.html */
_debug("copy model " . $parent_template_path . "models_html5/glossary.html");
array_push($file_array, array($parent_template_path . "models_html5/glossary.html", ""));
Pretty confident that should solve...
Tom: I don't see this in the latest develop branch so either i'm WAY off the mark or if this was in then something has collided in the branch merges...