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Tracking and Weighting
Tracking refers to the recording of data on individual learner performance on interactive tasks. Xerte will track;
- the length of time the learner spends in the Xerte project
- the length of time the learners spends on an individual page
- the total score on all assessable interactive tasks in the Xerte project, according to weighting set by the author
- the score on individual pages
- whether or not a learner has attempted a task.
Xerte will only track performance on projects which include one or more of the following Interactivity pages;
- Answer X of Y
- Categories
- Gap Fill
- Matching Texts
- Model Answer
- Multiple Choice Question
- Opinion
- Quiz
- Sortable Grid
- Text Correction
- Timeline/Matching Pairs
These are the only pages which can produce automated scoring.
To produce scores and data on time spent in a project or on specific pages, Xerte interacts with one or other of two technologies; SCORM or xAPI.
Tracking: SCORM
To work with SCORM, you have to export your Xerte Package as a SCORM package (see Export on the Project Properties page). It is recommended that you export as a SCORM 2004 3rd Ed package.
Blackboard/Moodle …. Grade Centre…. information for tutors/trainers and for students
Tracking: xAPI
xAPI ….
The default in Xerte is for each scorable page to be given the same weight. If you don't change the defaults, that might mean, for example, that a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) on one page has equal weight to 10 MCQs on a Quiz page. If you change the Tracking Score Weight for scorable pages, you can adjust the relative values of tasks or questions. In the example above, if you wanted all 11 MCQs to have equal value, you would set the MCQ page at 0.1 and the Quiz page at 1.0.
To do this, you will need to add Tracking Score Weight (0=Off) from the Optional Properties for each scorable page in your project and make the changes here.
If you don't want a page to be scored, set the Tracking Score Weight at 0.