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Admin panel: Users projects (management.php)


In this area you can:

  • search for specific users
  • see the projects that a user has created (this includes “empty projects” that the user has started but not added content to)
  • transfer ownership of all of a user's projects
  • transfer ownership of specific projects
  • edit, preview and change the Project Properties for specific projects.

Find a project creator, co-author or editor

To search for a specific user, type either their first name, last name or login name into the first text-entry box and click on Search. This will produce a list of that user's projects in numerical order, by ID number.

You can also search for a specific user by opening the drop-down list of users, in alphabetical order by last name; this drop-down is the second item on this page. With their name displayed in the box, if you click on Show beside the box, this will also bring up a list of that user's projects in numerical order, by ID number.

If you wish to know the identity of any collaborative co-authors or editors you can click the Show button next to the relevant project, and click the Properties button. A new window will open, and all users with access to the project will be visible in the Shared settings tab.

Transfer ownership of projects

Bulk transfer

To transfer ownership of all of a user's projects, first ensure you have the name of the user showing in the drop-down box - in this example it is Smith, John (JohnS). Then click on View transfer ownership options. This opens up an explanation of the transfer process and three options for transfer of the types of projects involved.

users_projects_3.jpgSelect the account that you want the user's projects to be transferred to from a second drop-down list - in this example this is Tolley, Claire (Claire).

You can opt to transfer ownership of private projects and/or shared folders. By ticking the 3rd box, you can also remove the users access to projects owned by other users. If you tick all 3 boxes, this transfers ownership of all projects and folders and deletes the user's account. :!: Depending on the authentication method used, the user may still be able to log in.

Individual transfer

users_projects_4.jpgIf you click on Show next to a specific project, you will see the project ID, the name of the owner, dates of creation and last modification and access, as well as the number of plays the projects has had if it has been launched. You can also edit, preview and change the Project Properties. Finally, you can transfer ownership of this project; by selecting the name of the user you want to transfer ownership to and clicking on Change ownership.

management.php_users_projects.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/19 14:51 by yvonne_moore