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University (8)

mardi, 19 novembre 2024 00:13

Listening and note-taking: Turbulence

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This is short LO provides practice for ESL learners in listening and notetaking, and vocabulary development. Video from YouTube has been added on 2 of the 4 pages;

dimanche, 18 juin 2017 04:47

Blended learning

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Het programma Educate-it ondersteunt docenten binnen de Universiteit Utrecht om hun onderwijs te innoveren met behulp van ICT. Om naast docenten ook de studenten te betrekken bij deze innovatie, is er een e-module gemaakt in Xerte.

mardi, 21 juin 2016 19:18

Insegna cosi impari

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This project involves first year students of Italian in peer-teaching activities in which they are asked to teach certain grammar topics to their classmates. Working in small groups they create Xerte content objects, using several page types and including media, audio-visual materials and texts.

lundi, 20 juin 2016 16:19


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Deze e-module gaat over het voorschrijven en toedienen van geneesmiddelen aan kinderen. We geven antwoord op de vraag waarom geneesmiddelen voorschrijven bij kinderen zo moeilijk is. Veel gemaakte fouten in de kinderfarmacie komen aan bod, we gaan in op de achtergronden van doseringsverschillen, de informatiebronnen die je wel en niet kunt gebruiken en geven praktische tips voor het toedienen van geneesmiddelen aan kinderen. Doelgroep: studenten geneeskunde en farmacie

In deze module is veel gewerkt met extra html en css code waardoor bepaalde 'styling' mogelijk is.

lundi, 25 mai 2015 10:00

Xerte & Apereo

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To present the Xerte Project to the Apereo Foundation in Paris January 2015 a few members of the Xerte Community developed a bootstrap Xerte module. Julian Tenney, Ron Mitchell, Tom Reijnders and Inge Donkervoort collaborate on this overview of Xerte.

mercredi, 04 février 2015 20:18


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A pathology LO generated by medical students "as" and "for" learning.

lundi, 15 décembre 2014 18:50

Word accessibly

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Using Xerte to train staff in using Word accessibly. How do you support staff in Higher Education to venture into elearning? One approach is to build on their existing skills....

This Learning Object was created in 2014 by students at Newman University.  The aim was to produce an online learning object for counsellors which would explain to them the field of Health Psychology.  Rather than explain further, try it out for yourself!

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