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SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7673

  • ymoore
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Hi All

I'm supporting someone who has created a Xerte object with interactions such as model answer and documentation. We've exported as SCORM (1.2 and 2004) and uploaded to Moodle. In both cases the 'interactions' are not recorded (i.e. the content the student enters into the text boxes in the Xerte project). I thought the idea of SCORM was that it would record the interactions. Am I wrong? Does it only record quizzes?

Thanks for any insight.

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SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7674

  • tom
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The documentation interaction is indeed not tracked. The main purpose was to create word document.

The model answer interaction is tracked (as a fill-in) since verion 3.8 or 3.9 (don't know exactly by heart). I can see the answer given in the track details page of moodle. Why Moodle decides not to report it as en interaction and thus easier to find, I don't know.

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SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7675

  • ymoore
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Thanks Tom.

I had assumed that interactivity page types would be tracked via SCORM (should never assume ...) so wondering if there's a list of which page types we would expect to be tracked?

Also, I had checked the 'track details' section in Moodle and can't see evidence that Model answer content is tracked either ... can you give me a clue (as the track details report is a bit mad) where to look? (I basically used CTRL+F to search for the content I added as a student but got no result).

Also, for comparison, would this content be tracked more effectively with xAPI and an LRS?


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SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7676

  • tom
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Hi Yvonne,

See below a screenshot of the detailed tracking of a Scorm 2004 xerte object with just one model answer interactivity in our Moodle 3.9. Search for the interaction with type fill-in (Green box, bottom red arrow) and then locate the learner-answer (top red arrow).

And no, the would not be TRACKED better using xAPI and an LRS, but in this case it is REPORTEDbetter in the Xerte dashboard.

Below shown for two attempts (red arrow): same LO launched from the same Moodle (but as an LTI activity with xAPI enabled). The two answers given are in the green box.


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Last edit: by tom.

SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7678

  • ymoore
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Thanks Tom, that was really helpful.

I now have another issue (sorry). When the student works through the Xerte project (through SCORM in Moodle) and adds content into the Model Answer page, the content doesn't remain. So if they revisit the activity their responses have been removed. I have the 'enable resuming' option selected in the Xerte object, but is there something else I'm supposed to select? We want the student to be able to work through the object at their own pace (coming back to it over a number of sessions say) and have their previously entered content still there - which was one of the reasons we chose SCORM over a straight link to the Xerte object.

Again, any pointers much appreciated.


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SCORM interactions 3 years 5 months ago #7681

  • ymoore
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Can anyone shed any light on this issue - we have staff wanting large cohorts to work through their projects but they need the students to work at their own pace and be able to see their own responses later.

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