You may be aware that a small team of Xerte enthusiasts, including freelancers and people from different enterprises and organisations in the UK and Europe, has developed and is maintaining the Xerte wiki (
xerte.org.uk/wiki/doku.php ).
We are now turning our attention to updating and refreshing the Xerte website (
xerte.org.uk/index.php/en/home ). We are updating the demonstrator learning objects, such as Xerte Page Types (
xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?templat...rg.uk#xertepagetypes ), but we would also like to do more to showcase LOs created in XOT or Bootstrap, for learners in a range of different contexts and disciplines. We are interested in relatively short LOs and longer ones, LOs with a relatively simple design and more complex ones.
If you have LOs that you would be willing to share with the Xerte community, could you respond to this post, or if you prefer, to me directly at
Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ? You can either provide copies for upload into Xerte.org.uk, or make them publicly available on your own installation. If you have any questions or comments about the process of this initiative, do raise them in this thread.
Best wishes
Jonathan Smith