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2nd visit to a Xerte and message is displayed ‘Would you like to start where you 3 years 8 months ago #7378

  • annem
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Hi Xerte community,

Development request
End-user 2nd visit to a Xerte and message is displayed ‘Would you like to start where you left off? Y or N

Could the Xerte developers work on a message which is displayed on the screen informing end-users (students) to ‘Start again using Table of Contents or start where you left off’, so that students know what to do if they attempt a Xerte for a second time, or revisit if they only played part-way through. Because currently the students see a ‘Completed’ message on the screen. But the students want to revisit the Xerte for a second time.
If a ‘Start again using the Table of Contents’ is a message on the screen to convey to end-users what to do, then stopping and starting part way through would not have been a problem for the end-user (student).

For example in Storyline if an end-user stops part way through the e-learning and then revisits a second time, a message appears stating ‘Would you like to start where you left off? Yes or No’.

I hope my request makes sense.

Best wishes

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2nd visit to a Xerte and message is displayed ‘Would you like to start where you 3 years 5 months ago #7586

  • annem
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I have received a 'reply' message in my email inbox from someone in the Xerte community asking me directly if I had asked the Developers. and was this fixed?

I have read the release notes for Xerte version 3.10 and I read under the heading 'Dashboard changes' the following: (scroll down to near the bottom of the release note screen)

Save Session
By default, if you currently go through a learning object (session) as a participant, it will save when you close it or use the stop tracking page. We have now added the extra Restart session feature that allows you to restart a session when you save it or pick up where you left off.

In practice, completion tracking appears to cause quite a few problems, due to the way in which the Xerte learning object is opened. If the Xerte learning object opens in the same window or in a new tab, it will work fine in most cases. When the Xerte learning object is embedded in, for example, an iframe, the signal that the participant has stopped does not come through properly and the attempt is not completed. As a result, the dashboard does not show completion.

In the previous version we therefore introduced the Stop Tracking page but this only works well if the participant completes the learning object in one go. The new save session button allows a participant to pause and save a session at any time.

There are three possible settings:

Restart session if possible;
Ask to restart session (the participant has the choice to start over or continue where it left off);
Do not restart session.
A session with a completion of 100% is always restarted.

The save session button is visible when tracking is on. It is possible to disable the button via the Hide Save Session Button option, which is one of the Tracking optional properties.

It is very difficult to find out exactly what a participant does when they work through a learning object in several attempts. To help with this, we have further expanded the dashboard and it is now possible to view individual sessions.

By default, the most recent session with the highest completion is shown. You can then expand this line and view the individual sessions of the participant.

From site:

The problem we had was the exported SCORM on the VLE showing 'In progress', because an end-user had perhaps skipped pages (so in the case of skipping content, then 'In progress' would be the right message), but also when a user had stopped part-way through, and then revisited for a second time to finish where they had left off in the Xerte, but was faced with the 'Completed' message by default on the Xerte screen, with no navigation label informing of how the end-user could start from the beginning. The end-users were confused by the default text 'Completed' displayed on the Xerte screen when they wanted to continue where they had left off in the Xerte, as a revisit to the Xerte for a second time.

I think that the Developers have now solved this issue, from reading the release notes for Xerte version 3.10, but I have not tried this yet or tested it as we are moving to version 3.10 towards end September.

I hope this helps to reply to the person who sent a question message direct to me via Xerte (but that reply didn't display as a reply on this forum).

Can the Xerte Developers confirm that I understand the changes you have made, displayed in the release notes under the title 'Dashboard Changes' with 'Save session' tab now an option for SCORM. That SCORM packages on a VLE which link to a grade centre, also have that option to start where left off or start from the beginning, after the end-user exits the Xerte part-way through with the intention to complete the Xerte on a different time or day.

I am confused by the terminology 'Dashboard' because we export as SCORM and the grade centre displays 'Complete' or 'In progress'.
I think when you refer to 'Dashboard' you are referring to xAPI and we do not use this as we do not have LRS.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes

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2nd visit to a Xerte and message is displayed ‘Would you like to start where you 3 years 5 months ago #7587

  • ronm
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Hi Anne
that response you received asking "did you try calling the support team ,, did you solve it ?" wasn't a message direct to you it was a forum post but I'm not convinced it was a genuine question so deleted it for now which is why you aren't seeing it in this forum thread.

As a quick response to your questions:
References to dashboard improvements are nothing to do with SCORM and only apply to use with xAPI.
There have been changes to SCORM exports and the different messages that users will see and in fact there are later changes not yet in the release notes. Any LO exported from 3.10.3 and later will now detect if being viewed in browse/preview or review modes where tracking will not be saved and displays a pop-up message accordingly. This is aimed at making it clear to a user that their interactions and viewing of different pages in this mode will not be saved. Some VLE's offer these modes as well as new attempt mode as an option and/or trigger these modes after an incomplete attempt. Whether any of this resolves the issues you were having with your complex project in Blackboard will need to be tested. There has been no change to the message or navigation on the stop tracking page because that is under author control. Please save any further questions about this until your test server has been upgraded and you are able to test this for yourself.
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2nd visit to a Xerte and message is displayed ‘Would you like to start where you 3 years 5 months ago #7589

  • annem
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Hi Ron,
Thank you for your reply with further information, specifically relating to SCORM. I look forward to testing this out.

Best wishes

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