I have upgraded a XOT 3.10 installation to XOT 3.11 (clean install).
After that I applied the XOT 3.11 update.
Everything works fine except for the Export function. All of the options (Deployment, Scorm, Archive, Offline) stopped working.
I have tried to find something in the apache2 logs (error.log) but wasn't able to find anything.
It is an Apache 2.4 with PHP-FPM 8.1
I've now noticed that when I try to publish the project, I get an error. The Apache2 error.log has the message "client denied by server configuration: /myserverroot/xerte/editor/upload.php, referer: https://myserver/xerte/edithtml.php?template_id=103
I have created a new site configuration and the previous error "client denied by server configuration" no longer pops up in the error log. However, the export option still does not work.
The Apache error log mentions one error mentioning editorStyles.css can't be found. After a long search I found one error in ./editor/js/vendor/ckeditor/config.js where it says editorStyles.css instead of editorstyles.css. This has nothing to do with the export option so this still does not work.
I have now created a XAMPP installation with Xerte 3.11 and imported my Xerte archive in it. Here everything works. As on the Linux server everything worked fine with Xerte 3.10, I'm clueless why 3.11 works perfectly on the same server except for all the export functions.