Hi Ron
thank you for the speedy reply, I followed your instructions and it still came up with the same message. I saved it anyway and when i tried it, it worked brilliantly. I uploaded it again in another section to confirm the process and this next time the message didn't show. I thought that was odd, so I tried the SCORM 1.2 package again just to prove that there was an issue, expecting the message to come up again, and it didn't! So I pressed save and tried the 1.2 package and it worked as well! I am a little confused by this sudden disappearance of the issue, but I am very grateful for your help resolving it.
For your info, it is moodle 2.8.1 and I imported the SCORM packages by uploading rather than drag and drop.
You recommend SCORM 2004, should I stick with this then, now that it seems that both are working?
Many thanks again