Hi Ron,
I gave the Xerte MySQL user all privileges in the Xerte database.
I copied the new files over the old apart from error_logs, import, library, and USER-FILES. I also over-wrote my LDAP auth_config.php.
I successfully ran the upgrade.php script.
I had to rename the plugins/file_uploading-mimetype.php file to prevent an error message that stopped the Xerte page appearing in the browser.
I used Xerte as the guest user and created a very simple LO.
I then replaced the auth_config.php with my original LDAP version and was prompted for a login, which worked.
However I can only see the guest projects not the old projects I had in the V2 installation.
The whole installation is owned by the web server user, www-data:www-data, including the USER-FILES directory. The permissions within USER-FILES are 777.
Any ideas?