I have a small scale business idea to provide on-line training within a sector that I am very familiar with. I believe that there is a significant gap within the sector that could be filled by producing short online courses that could be sold commercially. I am able to author and produce relevant content to a high standard, but do not have the expertise to convert this into online material. I am therefore looking for a collaborator to work alongside me in taking this forward.
Ideally I would like to team up with someone on a partnership basis, but I would consider working with someone on an hourly rate basis if the person I enlist does not want to invest time into the project for no immediate return.
I have been looking around at cost effective yet good quality platforms for delivering this project. As the sector is limited in size, I want to keep overheads to a minimum. I am therefore looking at open source solutions, hence my interest in Xerte. I think using Moodle as the CMS may also be the best option.
If there are any individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge of Xerte and Moodle who are interested in this venture, please contact me and I can give some more information. It is something that can be done ad-hoc during evening time - I am not looking for a huge commitment
Kind regards