The only thing I can suggest then is applying the patch by hand. It should be easy enough. For unified diffs the first couple of lines beginning '---' and '+++' show the files being compared. The lines beginning '@@' indicate the (approx) line number of where the patch should be applied. Diffs usually provide 3 lines of code before the patch and 3 lines after so as to provide some context. As for the patch itself, lines beginning with a space are untouched. Lines beginning with a '-' are to be deleted from the code, and lines beginning with a '+' are to be inserted into the code.
So looking at the unified diff, it starts with line 238 to be removed (if line 235 is the '?>' line, then line 238 is the line to be deleted. 235 + 3 context lines = 238). The second part, indicates that line 246 is to be removed, and finally a line is to be inserted after line 306.
As said the line numbers are approx because if you remove a line then the original line numbering is now out by one. This is where the second set of numbers on the '@@' lines comes in. However, for small patches I usually find it easiest to just go to the relevant line number and look at the code. Match that with the context lines, and it becomes easy to see which line(s) should be deleted or added.