When this happens, most of the time the xml file has become corrupt. We continuously try to improve the software to prevent this from happening, but sometimes this does happen (for example pasting content from a Word document seems to cause this sometimes).
There are two ways to verify if this is the case and fix the issue:
1. If you have direct access to the server, go to the USER-FILES folder of the learning object. The correct folder starts with the template id number of the LO. The template id is shown in the workspace. Get the preview.xml file and open on your PC in a verifying XML editor like Altova's XMLSpy (not free) or XML Copy Editor (
xml-copy-editor.sourceforge.net) and check it's well-formedness. Fix any issues mentioned by the software and place the file back. Everyting should be OK again.
2. If you have no direct access, export the LO and extract on your PC and do the same for the file template.xml. After fixing all issues, zip the folder again and import LO.