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The Workspace appears in the left-hand pane in the authoring interface. In this area you can access and manage your XOT and Bootstrap projects. You can set up a folder structure, create new projects in specific folders, move projects from one folder to another, and delete projects and folders.

The Project Settings wiki page provides an explanation of the toolbar of orange icons at the top of the page.

To maximise your view of the Workspace, collapse the bottom pane in the authoring interface by clicking on the icon in the bottom-right corner of the window.

Creating new folders

To add a new folder at the top level, highlight Workspace, click on the New Folder icon, and give the folder a name (note that you can only use letters and numbers in folder or project names).

If you want to add a new folder a lower level, highlight the folder in which you want to place the new folder, before clicking on the New Folder icon.

Adding new XOT and Bootstrap projects

Highlight the folder in which you want to place the new project, then go to the Project Templates pane and click on the orange Create icon for either Xerte Online Toolkit or Bootstrap Template. Give your project a name. The project will open in the editor and you can then start working on it. You may have to refresh the page, before the new project appears in the Workspace.

Icon for XOT projects

Icon for Bootstrap projects

Sorting folders and projects

At the bottom of the Workspace there is a drop-down which enables you to sort folders and projects either alphabetically or by time/date of creation. You cannot manually re-order projects and folders.

Moving projects and folders

You can move projects and folders to a different folder, by highlighting them and dragging them to their new location. You can do this for individual files or folders, or you can; click to highlight the first of a group, hold down the Shift key and then click on the last of a group, which highlights the whole group click on any file or folder in the group and drag the whole group to its new location.

workspace.1693987664.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/06 08:07 by jsmith