The institution I work for now has its own Xerte server which we envisage both staff and students using for creating learning objects for course material and as a form of assessment with students creating their own learning objects.
Whilst we have previously (using the JISC sandpit) got students to download their Xerte LO and submit the .zip file to our VLE, this proved very time consuming for us to create individual folders to upzip the package in order for the tutor to see the student's work.
Option One - We would like the students to be able use the existing functionality of Xerte possibly via "give this project" to their tutor with the following conditions:
A time stamp applied to the LO (proves when the student submitted)
Students cannot edit the LO that has been submitted (this would be very nice to achieve)
A digital receipt to say their Xerte LO has been received by the tutor
Is anyone out there using Xerte as a form of assessment? If so, how are you getting round the issue of students being able to continue editing their LO.