1. Oke
2. enable resuming
Could you be more specific. I understand your text, but not how to use it exactly.
3.Media Transcript:
I found this: Using Media 'Imageviewer' and 'Video', you can click a button (transfer) to open a pop down with text corresponding with the image.
But can't find when you can use it in Learning Object Title. May be in combination of another property?
See image
4. I'll wait.
New one:
Media: audio slideshow
Using images and/or page text you can't browse through the nested pages, but, you have to scroll down to see them all.
Using the Synch Point, nothing will happen.Flash related?
Using Interactivity doesn't work. I suppose this is flash related?
What's the function of Init Object and how does it work? What kind of file is expected? Flash Related?