Hi everyone,
I have a tutor who is getting his students to create Xerte projects as part of their assessment. There will be between 20-30 projects to mark. Students will submit their zipped Xerte projects to Blackboard.
Options for the tutor when marking
1.Extract Xerte projects to Blackboard module (more steps with this option as separate folders will need to be created in the blackboard file manager). Create a hidden content area to view each Xerte project.
2. Use a Xerte Sandpit account to import student's Xerte projects so the tutor can easily view projects.
Q. Is there a better way of going about marking Xerte projects? (I don't know that sharing would be enough in this scenario as there would be nothing to stop students continuing to work on their project past the due date.)
Q.Is there a space limit for Xerte Techdis accounts?
Q. How do other institutions manage student created Xerte projects?
thanks in advance,
P.S. I'm signed up for the Xerte Friday, so perhaps this will come up during the session.