I've half found what I was after. I'm looking at ways that a learner could resume an Xerte course from the point they last left it. So if they're half way through a 60 page course, they don't have to navigate back to their last viewed page.
My initial idea was to look for a way to link directly to a course page from a URL. This, as I mentioned, I have now found. I can do this by adding "&pageID=010" to my course URL to link back to page ten, it also works with the link ID, adding "&linkID=PG1380109084269" (or whatever the link ID is for a particular page) to the end of the URL. So that's that.
To progress down this avenue of investigation I'd need to some how get Xerte to export the last viewed Page ID or Link ID on course exit, store it somewhere ready for my learners next access to the course, where it could be added to the end of the URL.
Does that make sense? or am I going about this backwards? Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated.