So I created my first learning object and uploaded a bunch of images and other media. I was sort of assuming that when I created a second learning object, all those images and things would be there. Unfortunately, it seems that the media folder is per-learning object, rather than per-user.
Is there a way to share a media folder (or subfolder) across all my learning objects? Or "import" media from one learning object's media folder to another's? I'm trying to avoid having to re-upload the same media over and over again (like logos, background images, etc.). I did discover that I can duplicate a learning object to get a copy of the media folder, and then delete all the pages in the object and start anew, but that seems kind of "clunky" as a general solution.
Note: this isn't the same question as I found searching the forum (I think). I'm asking about sharing my own media only among my own learning objects, not sharing it with a group of users or the entire set of Xerte users on the system.