A quick query on how to change the location/position of the page text when using a Hotspot Sequence page.
Currently my page defaults to text on the bottom of the page and the Image on the top, no matter the size of the image it defaults to this and stretches/distorts the image to fit this layout.
My preference is image on the right, text on the left. I have been provided a Xerte packages presented this way, however I am unable to achieve the same outcome.
what version of Xerte are you using?
Can you share a link to your example or at least screenshots?
When you refer to Hotspot Sequence page what do you mean exactly? We have Interactivity > Hotspot Image, Interactivity > Hotspot Question and Connectors > Hotspot Image Connector. As far as I'm aware none of those stretches or distorts the image so do you have custom code added somewhere?
What's the pixel dimensions of your image?
Sorry, questions rather than answers and a link to your example would help. (just leave off the https:// if you aren't able to post links here.