Hi all,
Re: PDF with customisation code, and the impact and affect to those Xerte projects with PDF customised code when there is a version update installation.
Installation of version 3.8.5 provided a PDF link available which is available by default. Providing guidance to end-users to make sure that they know that Xerte remains available after clicking on the Open PDF link can be written and instruction on how to continue the Xerte e-learning (because depending on browser, VLE and Xerte export option, it can seem to the end-user that Xerte has closed).
After I posted on the forum i was provided with helpful guidance and advice.
Xerte forum Open PDF guidance
So I go a step further, based on the feedback I received from the forum, by adding code to the PDF page type to make the PDF page better for the end-user.
I turn on Show Language options and change the link text to something like: Open PDF (opens in a new tab).
Add the following code:
Use script and css to open the pdf link in a lightbox:
//add the following to a script optional property
$("#pdfLink").attr("data-featherlight", "iframe");
/*add the following to a styles optional property*/
.featherlight iframe {
height: 90vh;
width: 90vw;
What happens to these Xerte projects when a version upgrade is installed?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes