The next release will contain functionaility that allows users to set the value of variables themselves - so you could have a text field on the first page which will set the value of a variable used on subsequent pages. There's some documentation on this here:
Variables documentation
You can achieve something similar at the moment but you will have to add some script yourself.
1. Create a variable which will hold the name info (in screenshots attached I've called it 'nameToUse' but it can be anything & I've set default value to be one of the names 'Bob')
2. On your first page create two links (one for each name) which point to the next page in the project (use the Xerte page link button)
3. View the source of the text field & add an id to the links - I've called them 'bob' & 'jane' (see screenshot)
4. Add the 'script' optional property & paste in this code for each button that you want to make change the default value of the variable. Note that '#jane' needs to match the id you gave the link in step 3:
$('#jane').click(function() {
for (var i=0; i<x_variables.length; i++) {
if (x_variables[i].name == 'nameToUse') {
x_variables[i].value = 'Jane';
5. Then add the variable to any subsequent pages with the markup [nameToUse] (see screenshot)
I hope this helps