I am new to Xerte and think the Scenario Connector Page is what I want to use. I tried to use the guide but it seems to refer to a different setup. e have Xerte set up on our university server. It's slow going, as I am trying to follow the step by step examples but they do not exactly match what I see on screen. Eventually, I work it out but I get stuck at certain parts. I just wondered if anyone else had encountered this problem and whether a new guide is either available or imminent?
If you can send some screenshots of where it is different then we can probably advise but just so you are aware, the Scenario page is one of the only ones that hasn't been converted from Flash.
You can still use it but you have to create it as a flash based single page LO and then embed that in your main Learning Object. That page own't play on non-flash supporting devices like iPads etc but should on desktops etc so it really depends on who your target audience is...