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Xerte Toolkits: an innovative method of delivering Problem Based Learning in clinical education - Liz Mossop and Michael Randall

A #xerte16 session recording
All students must develop problem solving and reasoning skills during their undergraduate study and this is especially true in clinical education. A Problem Based Learning (PBL) format is therefore useful in this context, and is utilised in various different formats within different curricula. Whilst there are many variations in PBL session formats, in general students access a clinical problem and work through the scenario in order to identify underpinning knowledge and self-direct to this information. The problem must be delivered in a progressive format and use of media and interactivity engages students to a greater depth than simple text based documents.

This presentation will explain how Xerte Toolkits have been utilised at two different schools delivering clinical curricula with PBL elements at the University of Nottingham. Easy accessibility, the ability to collaborate on case creation and the variety of ways to present information makes Xerte Toolkits very attractive in this context. The Vet School has used Xerte to develop interactive “virtual patients”, where students are guided through a clinical case through the use of videos, highlighted images and interactive tasks. The School of Life Sciences have used it on the Pharmacy and Medical courses to present PBL-type case studies and Xerte has enabled cases to be built up and presented to students in ‘real time’ as the case develops.

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