We've done more testing. I was using XOT and unzipping the file. There seems to be an issue with some modern browsers, in that the exported files seem to contain something which is trying to call local files, you therefore get a CORS or script undefined error (visible from the browsers console), in Chrome it's stating that you must use only recognised protocols, 'file' being the one disallowed.
This has been tried on:
MAC OSX (10.11) Safari - Works
MAC OSX (10.11) Chrome - Fails with XMLHttpRequest CORS error
MAC OSX (10.11) FireFox - Works
Windows 10 Chrome - Fails with XMLHttpRequest CORS error
Windows 10 FireFox - Works
Windows 10 IE 11 - Fails with $script is undefined
Windows 10 IE Edge - Fails with $script is undefined
We've tried running Chrome with the option --allow-file-access-from-files, and this seems to enable it to work.