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Quizzes and audio player controls 3 years 2 months ago #7741

  • Huzar
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Hi Ron,

Sorry for the delay in replying, I was on annual leave last week.

To confirm, we did implement the update with the change to the core code, but then removed it when we found the issue with JAWS.

The test site does include the core code change so we could test it. I can see that this makes it more difficult for you to verify the code as it isn't public facing.

Yes, I can confirm Jaws reads the introductory text on the left each time, before and after the code change. When I tested, I initially missed spotting this as our test activity only had a short phrase on the left.

I have forwarded your message to David, our senior manager who oversees the accessibility of Library websites, activities etc. I have also asked accessibility testing colleagues within the OU if they can have a look.

I will get back to you with their response.

Best wishes,

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Quizzes and audio player controls 3 years 2 months ago #7774

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Hi Ron,

Sorry about the delay in following this up.

I referred the query to a member of our Accessibility and Usability Evaluation team, who is a screen reader user herself. She thought the tabbing order was causing the issue I experienced, however it did not cause as much confusion for her as I thought it would.

We will therefore move back to the most recent version of Xerte. Thank you for making the amendment to the quiz coding so quickly.

With regards to the OU providing support for Xerte developments, David Jenkins (Senior Library Manager Digital Services Development) is investigating this and will get in touch with you by email.

Thank you for all your help and support.

Best wishes,

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