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Everything you always wanted to know about Xerte (But were afraid to ask) - Ron Mitchell

A #xerte18 session recording
I've borrowed/tweaked the recognisable film title for this session because I think lot's of Xerte users are self-taught and so only know what they've discovered for themselves and haven't ever asked! Sometimes that 'not knowing what you don't know' and not asking either, also means only ever doing things the same way you always have or first did! In this session we will look at some of those key things that I think everyone should know regardless of version or experience and also some key new affordances in Xerte X too. As to a list of exactly what we will look at you won't know what you didn't know unless you attend! ;-) We will start with a story about a teacher, a learner, a learning technologist and even a xerte developer, who all lost their work! We will discuss how that could have been avoided (and possibly rescued) and what happened in the end...

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