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Xerte Recipes

• see how easily an existing Xerte learning object can be re-edited and improved

• help you think through the ways you might use Xerte toolkits to enhance learning

You can download these, change the ingredients to suit your teaching context and upload them onto your own Xerte toolkits installation - a quick way of seeing the potential of Xerte toolkits.


We will gradually add to this collection of recipes but here are a few to get you started.

Presenting information - Mars - the Red Planet.
This learning object is about knowledge and understanding only. It is designed to be rapidly assembled by a tutor using Internet resources to present information.

Presenting information – Vegetarian cooking.
This learning object is about knowledge and understanding only. It is designed to be rapidly assembled by a tutor using Internet resources to present information.

Presenting information - Introduction to farming types
This learning object illustrates how you can easily and instantly assemble pages with images. It is designed to be rapidly assembled by a tutor using Internet resources to present information.

Assessing information – English language
This learning object is about quickly assessing students using text based media. It is designed to be rapidly assembled and assumes the tutor aleady has the information they need (eg questions and answers) available.

Evaluating information and making a decision - siting a housing development
Unlike the examples above this learning object has taken longer to assemble because it takes information that would normally be available in a long handout and makes it much more easily accessible to learners. The core pages used are connector pages and the Navigator + page. Both these page types offer powerful ways of making a lot of information available in an easily digestible form.


How to use a recipe?


Click on the pdf image to open this tutorial.




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