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Xerte has several page types that can accommodate video clips, making it ideal for adding sign language video to clarify tasks and content. Many page types lend themselves to visually rich learning materials and the Navigator pages encourage content authors to break up dense text to manageable chunks. JISC TechDIs is currently involved in a project with City Lit in London to create Deaf friendly e-safety resources for adult deaf learners.

These learning objects show early proofs of concept to show how Xerte can support deaf learners with BSL.

Signed Introduction to Colour Theory

Signed Introduction to e-Safety

The Xerte2.0 upgrade allows you to embed video in almost any page using the embed code provided by online hosting services like YouTube, VideoJug etc.

Even without embedded video Xerte has a wide range of page types that accept images, allowing visualy rich resources to be used. This learning object from a JISC TechDis XerteFriday training session on images in Xerte illustrates some of the ways images can be used.

See also the JISC TechDis downloadable guide to Which Xerte pages work for deaf learners?

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