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54,000+ students, 3000+ teachers and 100+ moderators - Xerte as an assessment e-portfolio solution! - Ian Morgan

A #xerte16 session recording
There are many commercial and free e-portfolio tools available worldwide and many organisations still wrestle with what to choose and why and often end up using different tools for different purposes. Xerte isn't usually considered as an e-portfolio tool and yet in fact though a series of considerations, comparisons and informed decisions it was clear that a customised installation of Xerte, and indeed five separate customised installations, would fit the bill very nicely for this very large project.

During this workshop we will discuss the underpinning considerations, decisions and customisations and show how 50,000+ candidates, 3000+ teachers and 100+ external moderators will use an integrated Moodle-Xerte platform for the creation and submission of candidate evidence and the corresponding online assessment and external moderation of that evidence - complete with key customisations and essential bespoke automated workflow.

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