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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 4 years 1 month ago #7135

  • ronm
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Hi Geri
has Alistair mentioned we are looking into both the issues you reported but it's never quite as simple as it seems! :-(

As an example the first issue you mentioned re page change feedback I may be misunderstanding here but when a screen reader user tabs to and selects the next or previous buttons to navigate to the next or previous page the title of that next or previous page is read out. e.g. in your example navigating to page 2 reads The PROMPT Criteria and then to page 3 reads Summary. What doesn't happen at the moment is that the main content of that page is automatically given focus. Is that what your user expected to happen?

Your example is quite simple and only has 3 pages but say for instance a user was navigating a Xerte resource with 30+ pages. They may well tab to the next button, hit enter, hear the page title and then click enter to move to the next page and hear that page title and so on e.g. the focus stays on the navigation buttons so that they can do that. They could of course then choose to access one of the pages and use other keys like landmark or headings to then access the main content. e.g. the next and previous buttons are in the navigation landmark so upon hearing the page they want use whatever key jumps to the previous landmark which will typically be the main contents and then continuing reading from there. With NVDA that might mean Shift + D then down arrow etc.

So personally I'm not sure at the moment whether or not we should automatically move focus to the main content upon page change or not and we will seek expert advice on that. However if you wanted to see how that would work try the following:

1. Add an optional script icon to your LO
2. Add the following script:
function customPageChanged(pagetype) {
  $('#pageContents').attr('tabIndex', 0).focus();
}, 50);
See if that works for what your user expected or wanted to happen?
You should see that it automatically focusses and reads the next or previous pages contents but if you were wanting to use those buttons to cycle forward or back through the pages you now have to tab around again to get to the buttons to move to the next or previous page.

Re the tabbed navigator we've been testing that and are going to include a change in the next update or release that should resolve that.

I should also have mentioned previously that the next update/release also includes a hidden skip to main contents link. We've not had that previously in the XOT template because typically in the header there are only the two titles and nothing else. However we had a report of keyboard only users not being able to scroll a text only page in Chrome so added the hidden skip link to resolve that.

We'll reply again here when a new update or release to address these two issues is available.

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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 4 years 1 month ago #7137

  • Huzar
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Hi Ron,

Ah yes, if only things were more simple!!

When moving from page to page our user did expect the focus of the screen reader to go to the top of the next page. I understand the question about moving between pages more quickly. The very helpful ‘Contents’ option at the bottom of each page lists every page in the activity enabling users to easily navigate to the page they want. I appreciate you asking expert advice and will pass the script to our developers to see how it works.

Many thanks for further information about the tabbed navigator and the skip link.

Best wishes,


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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 4 years 1 month ago #7141

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Hi Ron,

We applied the script to the Evaluation using PROMPT activity.

Three of us have tested it using NVDA and I have also tested it using JAWS. Using NVDA the results different when the page is reloaded and we have experienced the following.

• Page title announced in heading bar
• Page title announced immediately followed by main landmark ‘The ever-increasing volume of online information means it is important to think critically about’
• Page title announced in heading bar immediately followed by the button in the bottom left of the footer

Using JAWS with Chrome, I also got different results when the page was reloaded.

1. Staring on the first page of the Evaluation using PROMPT activity, I selected ‘Next’. On the second page the Page title was announced and JAWS then moved to the main region, which is how I would expect it to work.
2. I chose ‘Next’ again to access the third and final page and the page title and wording from the first page was read.
3. I used the ‘Back’ button to go to the second page and JAWS started reading from ‘Bearing that in mind, try not to be guided by your initial impression’, which is towards the end of the activity
4. I used the ‘Next’ button to go to the third page and it read okay.

For now we’ve removed the script.

As it's nearly Christmas, I imagine this will be picked up again in the new year. In the meantime I hope you all have a good break over Christmas.

Best wishes,

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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 4 years 1 month ago #7142

  • ronm
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Hi Geri
thanks for the update. I have an idea how to resolve that but I'll test again locally at some point but as you say will probably leave any further discussion until the new year.
Meanwhile thanks have a great Xmas too!
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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 3 years 9 months ago #7356

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Hi Alistair and Ron,

I hope you're both well.

At the Xerte Conference in March it was great to see a demonstration of the fixes in the next version of Xerte which will resolve the screen reader issues mentioned in this post. I wondered you have a timeline for when the latest version will be released?

Many thanks and best wishes


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Screen reader navigation and tabbed navigator page queries 3 years 9 months ago #7357

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Hi Geri
we are busy working on a daily basis to get the release finished along with updated release notes too and TBH had hoped to have done so by now. But as always our intended release dates are subject to development and testing and can take longer than originally estimated and even though the accessibility fixes have been in place in our developer code for some time now other developments are still being worked on. We're hoping now that we can get the release completed and made available for next week but that can still only be a hope rather than a promise! ;-)

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