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Download details

xertetoolkits_unstable xertetoolkits_unstable HOT

Only registered and logged in users can download this file.

Unstable installer package for Xerte Online Toolkits. This package is built daily whenever a change has been committed in the github repositories.

Last update

As of 2016-07-18 there is a break in the database compatibillity with previous versions. Be sure to run upgrade.php (point your browser to <xerte url>/upgrade.php) after using this package to update an existing install.There is no need to do anything special for new install.

See CHANGELOG for the latest changes.

Not recommended for production environments!

Created 2014-04-06
Changed 2020-06-09
Size 31.22 MB
(18 votes)
Created by
Changed by super admin
Downloads 761
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