This page summarises key innovations in Xerte 3.13, released in October 2024, and particularly those features that apply across XOT and Bootstrap. This is not a comprehensive list of innovations in 3.13; you need to go to the Release Notes for this.
All XOT optional properties at project and page level (within the general section) have been given tooltips to explain their purpose. Anywhere you see an orange information icon next to a property name, you can hover over the icon with your mouse to display the tooltip text.
All multi-line text fields, and many single-line text fields, within the XOT and Bootstrap templates, now contain placeholder text instead of default text. Placeholder text will be replaced with the text that you enter into the field without you having to delete it - it will simply disappear as you begin to type. This is useful as it means that these text fields are not auto-populated with text as soon as you create a new page and fewer projects will contain text such a 'Enter feedback here' or 'Enter a description for accessibility here' where an author has forgotten to override the default text. Placeholder text is displayed in a lighter, grey font than default text; if you do nothing to the placeholder text it is not displayed to the learner.
Many pages within the XOT contain text fields that are labelled as 'Label'. As the purpose of these fields is often unclear to authors, tooltips have been added to these text fields to clarify their purpose. Generally, there are two ways that these labels are used:
Font Awesome 6 is included in 3.13 and has replaced the older versions used by previous versions. You may notice that some icons in the workspace, editor and within projects look a little different due to this change.
You can create tailored feedback on the Opinion and Results pages, which means that feedback you have authored displays, depending on the bands (e.g. 0-30%, 31-60%, 61-100%) into which the learner's score(s) fall. See the appropriate wiki pages for more information: Opinion page, Results page (3.13)
The accessibility of the project properties, folder properties, workspace properties and publish settings windows has been improved for authors:
In Bootstrap;