One-line Text Editor

This allows you to format text in titles of pages, on buttons, or on automated feedback, and appears as a one-line toolbar when you click in the text-entry box. The most obvious formatting options are not described below.


xerte-texteditor-font.jpgChanges the font type.

xerte-texteditor-size.jpgChanges the font size.

xerte-texteditor-fontcolourjpg.jpgChanges the colour of the font for selected text.

xerte-texteditor-backgroundcolour.jpgChanges the colour of the background to selected text.

xerte-texteditor-ruby.jpgAdds “ruby text”, typically phonemic transcriptions displayed in small letters just above the text they refer to.

xerte-texteditor-fontawesome.jpgInserts Font Awesome characters.

xerte-texteditor-removeformatting.jpgRemoves formatting from selected text.

xerte-texteditor-source.jpgDisplays the content in the source code format. If you are familiar with HTML, you will be able to edit here, in particular to solve formatting issues or insert embed codes. If you are not familiar with HTML, it is definitely worth learning the basic principles and the code needed to resolve the most common issues. To learn the basics, you can visit this HTML Tutorial resource.