Table of Contents

Navigator > Multiple Perspectives

This page presents a series of thumbnails which, when clicked on, open nested pages. There are 4 options for these nested pages, focusing on text, an image, an audio recording or a video recording. While you can embed a link to video hosted elsewhere onto any page in Xerte, this is one of the few page types where the default is to upload the video into Xerte. :!: New in 3.13. When the thumbnails are set to display as a Grid, the content associated with a thumbnail can be set to display in a lightbox, rather than as a nested page.

Example demo

or view at Xerte Page Types > Navigators: Multiple Perspectives (opens in new tab).

Editor Interface

Editor interface.

Top Level: Core Properties

Property Description Type Additional information
Page Title Text that appears in header of published page. Text

Top Level: Optional Properties


Property Description Type Additional information
Play All: Include Play All Button Inserts a Play All thumbnail at the beginning of the thumb nail bar. Tick box
Play All: Image Play time The number of seconds a nested image page remains visible if Play All is applied. Number
Thumbnail Bar: Position The position of the Thumbnail Bar on the page {Top/Bottom/Grid}. Drop-down :!: New in 3.13. When set to Grid, a new Display In property can be set to allow the content for each item to be opened in a lightbox rather than on the page itself.
Thumbnail Bar: Height The height of the Thumbnail Bar (Small/Medium/Large}. Drop-down Choose Large if the titles of your nested pages are 15 - 20 characters
Thumbnail Bar: Type Choose what is included in the Thumbnail Bar {Image and Caption/Image and Number/Image Only}. Drop-down The Caption is the Title of the nested page. If you choose Image and Number, numbers are automatically assigned.
Thumbnail Bar: Border Displays a thin black border round each thumbnail. Tick box
Thumbnail Bar: Highlight Current Check this box if you want to change the default (yellow) colour of the thumbnail for the current nested page… Tick box
Thumbnail Bar: Highlight Colour … and choose a colour here. Colour picker If you want a different colour highlight, add the colour here, and make sure the Highlight Current check box is ticked.
Tracking Score Weight (0=Off) Allows the task on the page to be weighted relative to other scored pages in the project. Number Add link to weighting page.


See General Optional Properties

Top Level: Language Options

Property Description Type Additional information
Scroll Back Tip The text for the tooltip that appears on mouseover of the Forward button - this button is only displayed when the thumbnail bar at the top has too many items to show at once. Text Default - “Scroll Back”
Scroll Forward Tip The text for the tooltip that appears on mouseover of the Back button - this button is only displayed when the thumbnail bar at the top has too many items to show at once. Text Default - “Scroll Back”
Generic Video Tip When you add a video clip but don't upload an associated image, a default image will show. This is the alt text for that image. Text Default - “Video Clip”
Generic Sound Tip When you add an audio clip but don't upload an associated image, a default image will show. This is the alt text for that image. Text Default - “Sound Clip”
Back Button Text When thumbnail bar position is set to grid and you view one of the items, you see a back button to return to the grid view. This is the text on that button. Text Default - “Back”
Play All Text If you have added a Play All thumbnail from Optional Properties, this is the text that appears in the thumbnail. Text Default - “Play All”

After you have given the page a Title and looked at the Optional Properties and Language Options, you need to add content. You have 4 Options;

New item option.

Follow these links to see their properties;