This nested page can be used to add video and any related text, to a Multiple Perspectives page.
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Title | A title which appears above the text in the nested page, and which can also appear in the Thumbnail Bar | Text | |
Text | Add text here. | Text+ (Toolbar) | |
Align Text | Aligns the Text relative to the video player {Left/Right/Top/Bottom} | Drop-down | |
Video: file | Upload your video here, through the Media Browser | Link to Media Browser | Try to keep your video file size as small as possible, by choosing the lowest acceptable resolution |
Video: size | This sets the size of the video player {Small/Medium/Large/Full} | Drop-down |
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Description | Add a description for Accessibility here | Text | |
Fixed video size | Sets an exact video size in pixels - width, comma, height, e.g. 320, 240 | Numbers | |
Page Link: Page | This adds a link to another page in the project, or to another nested page | Drop-down | |
Page Link: Text | The text for the page link | Text | |
Thumbnail: Use 1st Frame | Uses the first frame of the video as the Thumbnail Image | Tick box | |
Thumbnail: Image | As an alternative to the first frame, you can upload an image, which appears only in the Thumbnail Bar. | Link to Media Browser | |
Tracking label | | Text |
There are no Language Options for any of the nested pages in a Multiple Perspectives page.