This item allows you to add a Multiple Choice Question in the Other Content panel. The settings and functionality options are very similar to those for Interactivity > Multiple Choice Question.
or view at Xerte Page Types > Media: Media Lesson (opens in new tab).
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Title | Text that appears above the Multiple Choice Question | Text | If you are adding several MCQs, this could be “Question 1”. You can then duplicate this question to create further questions and save time editing. |
Question | This can either be a question, or a question followed by the stem of a statement (which is completed in different ways by the answer options). | Text+ | |
Question Type | How the questions appear to learners {Buttons/Radio buttons/Drop Down Menu} | Drop-down | Buttons puts the answer options inside a button; Radio Buttons puts a circular toggle icon to the left of the answer text, which shows selected/unselected. Choose Radio Buttons if you are asking for Multiple Answer (see below). |
Answer Type | {Single Answer/Multiple Answer} | Drop-down | |
Disable Controls | If the learner gets a wrong answer, this hides the controls to pause the media, or to navigate backwards and forwards. If the answer is correct, the controls are displayed as normal. | Tick box | |
Synch Point | The point in the audio or video (in seconds) when you want this question to start displaying. | Number | |
Pause Media | Pauses the audio or video until the learner starts it again | Tick box | It is generally good practice to tick this box, because it allows the learner time to read the question and reflect on the answer options, without distraction from the audio/video continuing to play. |
Clear Existing Content | Ensure that the question replaces any existing content in the panel | Tick box | If you don't tick this box, the question appears below any existing text or other content. |
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Divider | Adds a horizontal line after the MCQ | Tick box | |
Feedback | Adds feedback which is displayed on clicking the Check button, irrespective of whether the answer is correct or incorrect. | Text+ | |
Position | Adds the MCQ above or below any existing content {Top/Bottom} | Text+ | This only works if the Clear Existing Content box is unticked. |
Synch Point: End | Sets a point (in seconds) at which the MCQ disappears | Number | This produces the same effect as adding a Clear Panel item. |
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Feedback Label | The header that appears above the feedback when it is display | Text | Default - “Feedback” |
Single Answer Correct | Feedback | Text | Default - “Your answer is correct!” |
Single Answer Wrong | Feedback | Text | Default - “Your answer is incorrect” |
Multi Answer Correct | Feedback | Text | Default - “You have selected all the correct answers” |
Multi Answer Wrong | Feedback | Text | Default - “You have not selected the correct combination of answers” |
Check Button Label | Text on button for submitting answer and revealing feedback. | Text | Default - “Check” |
Continue Button Label | Text on the button for continuing to the next item or question | Text | Default - “Continue”. This button only appears after the correct answer has been selected. |
Drop Down Menu Option 1 | Instruction that is displayed at the top of a Drop Down MCQ (if this Question type is selected) | Text | Default - “Select Answer…” |
Click on New Answer to open the New Answer pane. You need to add a New Answer, and complete the pane, for each of the options related to your question.
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Label | | Text | Default - “Answer” |
Answer | One of the options which learners will choose from. | Text+ | In addition to text, other content (e.g. images, audio, video) can be embedded here. |
Correct | This is where you mark up answer options as incorrect or correct. In the authoring interface this is displayed as {False/True}. | Drop-down |
Property | Description | Type | Additional information |
Enable Controls | | Tick box | |
Feedback | Feedback if this answer is selected | Text+ | |
Go to Page | Takes the learner to another page in the project | Drop down | |
Go to Synch Point | Takes the audio/video to a specified synch point in the audio/video | Number | |
Play Media | Autoplays the audio/video from the new synch point (see above) | Tick box |