====== Tracking/xAPI > Adaptive Content ====== This page makes use of xAPI technology to; * collect data on the learner's performance on specific Interactivity pages in a project * summarise this on the page, for the benefit of the learner, teachers or instructors. It will store that data, so that if the learner closes the learning object and then runs it again at a later time, it will remain available. Data on performance on __other__ Learning Objects can also be included. This page can be used in three different ways; * to provide personalised, adaptive learning pathways through content, depending on learner performance at each stage * to create a kind of dashboard (for the benefit of both learners and instructors) in which performance on tasks can displayed, in text and in graphs, with the possibility of comparison to performance of other learners * in a combination of the two ways outlined above, in which learners can self-access progress and make decisions about next steps. **For this page type to work your Xerte installation must be linked to a Learning Record Store (LRS).** If you are working within an institutional context, you will almost certainly have to get this set up through your institution's IT or learning technology provision. If you have a personal Xerte installation, you will need specific IT expertise to set this up for yourself. ===== Example demo ===== {{url>https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#adaptivecontent 98%, 600px noborder}} or view at [[https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#adaptivecontent|Xerte Page Types > Tracking/xAPT: Adaptive Content]] (opens in new tab). ===== Editor Interface ===== {{ :xerte-tracking-adaptivecontent-editor.jpg?900 }} This page type can be complex to use. For it to work correctly you will need to do the following; * decide where in your Xerte project you want this page to be located * complete the **Top Level Core Properties** and add any **Optional Properties** * set up tracking of performance through **LTI/xAPI** (this is done through the** Project Properties**, accessed through the i" icon above the Workspace). You can set up LTI/xAPI at this stage in the process, or you can leave it until your last step. * add at least one **Source Interaction** (the instructions to record data related to performance on a specific Interactivity page in a specific Xerte LO). If you want to display performance data on several Interactivity pages, you will need a Source Interaction for each one. * for each Source Interaction you __may__ also need to add two or more **Interaction Blocks**. These provide for differentiated feedback or links to different pages, depending on the learner's score. You do __not__ need Interaction Blocks if you are simply collating answers, from a group of learners, to an open question (e.g. through the Model Answer Interactivity page). ==== Top Level: Core Properties ==== ^ **Property** ^ **Description** ^ **Type** ^ **Additional information** ^ | Page Title | Text that appears in header of published page | Text | \\ \\ | | Introduction | Content that appears at the top of the page | Text+ | Use this to give the context or instructions for the task. Other content (e.g. images, audio, video) can be embedded here. | ==== Top Level: Optional Properties ==== ^ **Property** ^ **Description** ^ **Type** ^ **Additional information** ^ | Dashboard mode | Displays data for the whole group | Tick box | This displays average scores for all learners (or a subgroup of all learners, depending on the configuration) - in this mode Interaction Blocks provide no value | | Disable export to PDF | Removes the button enabling the learner to download and print the data on their performance | Tick box | \\ | | Display Mode | {**Unlisted**/Listed} | Drop-down | The **Listed **option reveals (in the page-specific Optional Properties) further options for sorting the data on performance on scored pages {Increasing score/Decreasing score/**None**}\\ | | Start Date | Set the date from which records are shown on this page | Date picker | \\ | | End Date | Sets the date at which records on this page are no longer shown | Date picker | \\ | \\ ==== Setting up LTI/xAPI tracking ==== {{ :project_properties.jpg?300}}Open up the **Project Properties** \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{ :ltixapi.jpg?400}} and go to the** LTI/xAPI tab**. Tick the following; * Enable xAPI: * Use globally configured xAPI LRS: \\ Click on **Update**. This generates an LTI (1.1 or 1.3) launch URL, **which you __must__ use when you want the LTI/xAPI tracking to work**. If you use** **the URL generated when you set a project to Public access, the page will not run correctly. The [[trackingandweighting|Tracking & Weighting]] page in this wiki provides further guidance on tracking.\\ \\ ==== Adding Source Interactions ==== After you have created the overall settings for this page and set up LTI/xAPI tracking, you need to add **Source Interactions**;{{ :xerte-tracking-adaptivecontent-newsourceinteraction.jpg?300 }}These can be thought of as links to Interactivity pages with instructions to record performance on them in specific ways. It is possible to add several Source Interactions to this page to create the effect of a dashboard. When you choose the **Interactivity Type** for a Source Interaction there are slight changes in the Core and Optional Properties offered to you. For this reason, follow the links below for further information on setting the properties for the Interactivity Types you want to use. | **Interactivity Type** | **Description** | | [[adaptivecontent_basedonendscore|Based on end score]] | Displays an individual learner's __total score__ on a scorable page such as **Gap Fill**, **Multiple Choice Question**, **Quiz** or **Media Lesson** Quiz, compared to the total scores of other learners who completed the task. | | [[adaptivecontent_basedonspecificanswer|Based on specific answer]] | Displays individual learner's __answer__ to __one__ **Multiple Choice Question**, or __one__ question from a **Quiz **or **Media Lesson**, compared to answers by other learners who completed the task. If you add a graph, it displays answer options and the number of learners who chose each specific answer. | | [[adaptivecontent_basedon2dopinion|Based on 2D opinion]] | Displays responses to slider or radio button tasks on **Opinion **pages. If you add a graph, it displays scores by class for the current attempt, an average of all attempts by the learner, averages of all attempts by all learners. | | [[adaptivecontent_openanswer|Open Answer]] | Displays responses to open-answer tasks on **Model Answer **pages, by the learner and all other learners | | [[adaptivecontent_basedongrouping|Based on grouping]] | You can group different scorable pages (including pages from one other learning object), and this collates all the learner's answers and provides a score for that grouping. | | [[adaptivecontent_basedonegrouping|Based on all groupings]] | Collates and compares the learner's scores for all the groupings in the learning object (including pages from one other learning object). | | [[adaptivecontent_basedonallclasses|Based on all classes]] | Displays the learner's responses to questions on **Opinion** pages, grouped by class, compared to responses by other learners. | {{tag>pagetype tracking/xAPI}}