====== Charts > Table ====== A [[:pagetypes|page]] for creating and displaying a table. ===== Example demo ===== {{url>https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#table}} or view at [[https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#table| Xerte Page Types > Charts: Table]] (opens in new tab). ===== Editor Interface ===== {{:xerte-charts-table-editor.jpg?600&direct}} ==== Top Level: Core Properties ==== ^ Property ^ Description ^ Type ^ Additional information ^ | Page Title | Text that appears in header of published page | Text | | | Page Text | Content that appears in the left pane or at the top of the page (depending on Align Text - see below) | Text+ (Toolbar) | Use this to give the context or instructions for the task. Other content (e.g. images, audio, video) can be embedded here. | | Align Text | Swaps round the right and left panes {**Left**/Right} | Drop- down | | There are **no page-specific Optional Properties **at this level of the project, but there are for the** Table Data **(see below). See the [[:optional_properties|General Optional Properties]] page for information on other optional properties. There are** no Language Options** for this page type. You do not have to add an item to enter the table data or design its appearance. Instead, you need to go to the project structure pane, open up the structure for the page and select the bullet point. Here is an example from the Xerte Page Types demo. {{ :xerte-charts-table-tabledata.jpg?300 }} ==== Table Data: Core Properties ==== ^ Property ^ Description ^ Type ^ Additional information ^ | Table Name | A title that is displayed above the data. | Text | | | Chart data | Enter the labels and the data here. | Table | | | Table Appearance: Size | Sets the size of the table {Small/**Medium**/Large/Full screen} | Drop down | | | Table Appearance: Borders | Sets the table borders {None/Full grid/**Simple**/Horizontal only/Vertical only/Outside border} | Drop down | **Simple **adds bold horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the table, and a horizonal line below the header. | | Table Appearance: Header/Footer Rows | {None/**Header**/Footer/Both} | Drop down | This does not add any rows, but simply relates to any shading of the 1st or 2nd rows that you choose to add (see below) | | Table Appearance: Shade Header/Footer | Shades any row you have marked as a header or footer (see above) | Tick box | Shades in light blue | | Table Appearance: Shade Alternate Rows | Shades alternate rows | Tick box | Shades in light green | ==== Table Data: Optional Properties ==== ^ Property ^ Description ^ Type ^ Additional information ^ | CSV: File | Upload here, through Media Browser, a .csv file, instead of entering data manually. | Link to Media Browser | Excel files can be saved as .csv files | | CSV: Delimiter | If you know the delimiter used in the .csv file select it here. If not choose Comma and change to Semicolon if the table does not display properly in preview {**Comma**/Semicolon}. | Drop down | | | Footnote | This adds a footnote below the table, e.g. to cite the source of the data. | Text | | | Summary | Enter a summary of the table contents for accessibility. | Text | | {{tag>pagetype charts}}