====== Charts > Basic Chart ====== A [[:pagetypes|page]] for creating and displaying a range of charts, including bar charts, stacked bar charts, line graphs and pie charts. ===== Example demo ===== {{url>https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#basicchart 98%, 460px noborder}} or view at [[https://xot.xerte.org.uk/xapi_launch.php?template_id=116&group=xertepagetypes#basicchart| Xerte Page Types > Charts: Basic Chart]] (opens in new tab). ===== Editor Interface ===== {{:xerte-charts-basicchart-editor.jpg?direct|Editor interface.}} ==== Top Level: Core Properties ==== ^ Property ^ Description ^ Type ^ Additional information ^ | Page Title | Text that appears in header of published page | Text | | | Page Text | Content that appears in the left pane or at the top of the page (depending on Align Text - see below) | Text+ (Toolbar) | Use this to give the context or instructions for the task. Other content (e.g. images, audio, video) can be embedded here. | | Chart Title | Title that appears above the chart | Text | | | Chart Type | Select the type of chart you want {**Line**/Bar/Stacked Bar/Pie} | Drop- down | Use Stacked Bar when you want to make comparisons between items which each exhibit the same set of variables. | | Align Text | Swaps round the right and left panes {**Left**/Right} | Drop- down | | The only page-specific Optional Property is **Summary**, which enables you to create a summary of the data in the table for accessibility. See the [[:optional_properties|General Optional Properties]] page for information on other optional properties. There are **no Language Options** for this page type. Click on **New Series **to add the data to generate your chart. {{ :xerte-charts-basicchart-newseries.jpg |Edit new series option.}} ==== Series: Core Properties ==== ^ Property ^ Description ^ Type ^ Additional information ^ | Series Name | The text that appears in the button. | Text | | | Chart data | For basic line, bar and pie charts, enter the labels in the first column and the values in the second. | Table | | | Colour | The colour theme for the chart. A pie chart uses different shades of the colour chosen, and it is better to choose a darker shade as the starting point. | Colour Picker | | {{tag>pagetype charts}}