====== Project-level Optional Property (Bootstrap): Variables ====== %%Variables can be used to create dynamic content in your learning object. Variables act as containers to hold values that are used to store and manipulate data, according to the parameters set by the author. For example, a variable called 'Name' could store the viewer's name, and this could be used in the learning object to personalise the text. %% %%Variables can be updated, retrieved, and used to provide variety (for example in quizzes testing mathematical concepts) or allow personalisation (for example through text strings added by the viewer). %% A link to a [[https://xot.xerte.org.uk/USER-FILES/156-fay-Nottingham/media/Variables_Documentation.pdf|Variables Guide]] is available from the editor interface (see screenshot below), with worked examples of how to use variables. ===== Editor Interface ===== {{:xerte_variables.png|Xerte variable interface.}} ===== Properties ===== | **Property** | **Description** | **Type** | **Additional information** | | Variable Data | Table for holding the details of the variable data. | Table | Includes buttons to edit, delete and view. | | Choose file | Facility to upload variable data in bulk via a .csv file. | Link to Media Browser | | | Decimal Separator | {Period/Comma} | Drop-down | | ===== Variable Data Table ===== | **Parameter** | **Description** | | Name | The unique name for the variable that is used for presenting its value on a page (e.g. num1, num2 or firstName, secondName). | | Fixed value | A fixed value that will always be used for that variable. | | Random | A comma separated list of values for the variable from which one is chosen at random. | | Min | Use in conjunction with Max to set the minimum boundary for a number chosen at random. | | Max | Use in conjunction with Min to set the maximum boundary for a number chosen at random. | | Step | Use with Min and Max to set the steps between the possible randomly chosen numbers. | | DP (decimal points) | How a value should be rounded (e.g. 2 DP would change 1.541 to 1.54). | | SF (significant figures) | The number of significant figures to display (e.g. 2 SF would change 329 to 330) | | Trailing zeros | Whether DP should include trailing zeros (e.g. if true then 2 DP would change 1.5 to 1.50) | | Exclude | A comma separated list of any values that will not be accepted as valid values. | | Default | The fallback value used if calculating a valid value using the other parameters proves difficult. |