Searching 6174 files for "" (regex) /xertetoolkits_3.8/editor/elfinder/browse.php: 51 52 53: 54 55 56: 57 58 /xertetoolkits_3.8/editor/js/vendor/ckeditor/plugins/oembed/plugin.js: 154 function loadjQueryLibaries() { 155 if (typeof(jQuery) === 'undefined') { 156: CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load('//', 157 function() { 158 jQuery.noConflict(); /xertetoolkits_3.8/index.php: 80 81 82: 83 84 .. 95 96 97: 98 99 100 101 102: 103 104 "> 197 198: 199 root_file_path . "branding/branding.css")) ... 291
292 293: 294 295 296: 297 298 /xertetoolkits_3.8/modules/site/edithtml.php: 196 197 198: 199 root_file_path . "branding/branding.css")) ... 291
292 293: 294 295 296: 297 298 /xertetoolkits_3.8/modules/xerte/edithtml.php: 227 228 229: 230 root_file_path . "branding/branding.css")) ... 323
324 325: 326: 327 328 329: 330 331 /xertetoolkits_3.8/modules/xerte/parent_templates/Nottingham/common_html5/js/xapidashboard/examples/liveUpdate/index.html: 3 4 5: 6 7 /xertetoolkits_3.8/modules/xerte/parent_templates/Nottingham/common_html5/js/xapidashboard/wizard/index.html: 7 8 9: 10 11 /xertetoolkits_3.8/properties.php: 40 41 42: 43 44 45: 46 47 /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/decision/bluegreyorange/bluegreyorange.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /*define color pallette*/ 3 /*set background colors*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/decision/bluegreyorange/bluegreyorange.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/editorstyles"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/decision/darkgrey/darkgrey.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /*define color pallette*/ 3 /*set background colors*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/decision/darkgrey/darkgrey.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/editorstyles"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/blackonyellow/blackonyellow.css: 1 @charset "UTF-8"; 2: @import url(""); 3 /*set background colors*/ 4 /* default #2196F3;*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/blackonyellow/blackonyellow.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/cesicardiff/cesicardiff.css: 1: @import url(,400,700|Roboto:300,400,700); 2 /*set background colors*/ 3 /* default #2196F3;*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/cesicardiff/cesicardiff.scss: 1: @import url(,400,700|Roboto:300,400,700); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_footer"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/darkbluegrey/darkbluegrey.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 #x_headerBlock { 3 color: #ffffff; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/darkbluegrey/darkbluegrey.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; //*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/futureteacher/futureteacher.css: 1 @charset "UTF-8"; 2: @import url(""); 3 /*set background colors*/ 4 /* default #2196F3;*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/futureteacher/futureteacher.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/highcontrast/highcontrast.css: 1 @charset "UTF-8"; 2: @import url(""); 3 /*set background colors*/ 4 /* default #2196F3;*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/highcontrast/highcontrast.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernandsleek/modernandsleek.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /*---colours to use - sleek and modern: #2f2E33, #D5D6D2, #FFFF, #3A5199---*/ 3 /*define color pallette*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernandsleek/modernandsleek.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernandurban/modernandurban.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /* default #2196F3;*/ 3 /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernandurban/modernandurban.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernorange/modernorange.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /* default #2196F3;*/ 3 /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/modernorange/modernorange.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/rgbo/rgbo.css: 1: @import url(""); 2 /*black*/ 3 /*blue*/ /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/rgbo/rgbo.scss: 1: @import url(''); 2 @import "scss/_allvariables"; /*start here and set the default values for all the variables*/ 3 @import "scss/_header"; /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/sketch/sketch.css: 1 /* change this file to rebrand your version of Xerte Online Toolkits */ 2: @import url("|Schoolbell"); 3 @import url("editorstyles.css"); 4 body { /xertetoolkits_3.8/themes/Nottingham/sketch/sketch.scss: 1 /* change this file to rebrand your version of Xerte Online Toolkits */ 2: @import url('|Schoolbell'); 3 @import url("editorstyles.css"); 4 /xertetoolkits_3.8/workspaceproperties.php: 56 } 57 ?> 58: 59 60 45 matches across 34 files